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Cursillo documents

Cursillo Tasmania, like many organizations, has accumulated a potentially overwhelming supply of documents over the years.  Secretariat has been working hard to transition to digital files rather than storing vast quantities of paper.  We are also trying to streamline access to those digital files.  A selection of more generally relevant or useful files has been transcribed or linked directly below. 


If there are other documents that you would like to see included on this page, please let the Web Coordinator or another Secretariat member know.  




We are gradually revising other documents and adding them to our Cursillo Tasmania Dropbox repository.  These are divided into four categories:

  • General access, via the following link: 



       This folder currently contains the application form and information brochures, one of which can also be

       accessed via the links below, an introductory PowerPoint and script  and the Prayer to the Holy Spirit,

       which is also transcribed below.      



The other three folders are as follows:

  • Members

  • Team Members

  • Secretariat


These are only accessible via the Password protected Members' Resources page:






Cursillistas may obtain a password by contacting the Webmaster on 0427 631596 or


There is no grand conspiracy at work here.  Cursillo is not a secret society, but we do value confidentiality.  The documents that are only accessible via the Members' Page contain members' personal contact details or other more sensitive material.  Those that are designated for Team Members only are the manuals, handouts and other material used specifically in running the Cursillo Three Days.  The Secretariat files are mainly lists of members in various iterations, ideas for possible Cursillo activities / workshops and other administrative odds and ends.


Resources - General







Interested in attending a Cursillo 3 Day?  Download the application form and discuss it with your minister.

Find more information in this brochure.

It is important that all Cursillistas are familiar with, and committed to, the

Anglican Diocesan Safe Church Communities policy.

Floral Arrangement 1

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Click on the link for a version of the Prayer to the Holy Spirit that can be cut up into bookmarks. 

Come Holy Spirit,

fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in us the fire of your love.


Father, as we meet together,

may your Holy Spirit guide, direct and empower us.


Enable us to minister to one another

and strengthen our resolve to walk the way of Jesus.


Give us a clear vision of your will for our lives,

and fill us with that peace and joy that only you can provide.


In the name of Jesus, our Lord and Saviour.        Amen

National Cursillo Prayer

Written by Rev’d Jan Deaves

Diocesan Spiritual Advisor, 

Newcastle,   2006-2009

Click on the link for a version of the National Cursillo Prayer that can be cut up into bookmarks. 

Gracious God,

we thank you for all the colours of your love. We hold before you our Cursillo community and ask for your continuing love and guidance. As you keep your promises to us, may we be true to the promises we have made to you.


Through piety may we feel your presence and identify the vision you have for each one of us. Through study may we gain new insights and explore the vision we seek. Through apostolic action may we share your love with others as we live the vision before us.


This we pray in the name of your Son and through the power of the Holy Spirit within us.                                                                  Amen

© 2020 by Anglican Cursillo Tasmania.


This website was last updated on the 26th March 2025.    Web Coordinator: Shirley Tongue

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