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Hong Kong #6
(Aug-Sep 2023)

Will Newman

Before the weekend:

From Fr Will Newman:

The HK#6 weekend will take place on August 31st-September 3rd. It will be our first bilingual Cursillo, and the first since HK#1 that won’t be affected either by Covid or by the 2019 political protests. The team of 14 includes myself, Evelyn and John from HK#1. Evelyn is the leader of our Secretariat, and she’s been wonderful in keeping our young Cursillo community together through this difficult time. Please pray for us, pray that the spirit of Cursillo will continue to renew our faith, and encourage and inspire HK Christians to prayer, study and apostolic action.  

After the weekend:

(Hong Kong #6 took place during a typhoon.)

From the Lay Director (Evelyn Chan):

Thank you for remembering us. Your prayers and palancas had been a great support for HK6.


Some of us (our team and participants) did get a bit wet because of the rain on Thursday when we checked in the retreat house. However, God was watching us and sent his servants (the sisters and staff of the Catholic retreat house) to take good care of us over the weekend. Our weekend had not been much affected despite the severe typhoon. And everyone was praising God as we walked out of the retreat house on the sunny Sunday after the typhoon. To us, HK6 was a true blessing!


De Colores.




Hong Kong #4
(June 2022)

9/6/22:  HK4 was a great success, and we all loved the palanca so many of you sent. Thank you!

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Dear Aussie Cursillistas


Thank you for continuing to include us as honorary members of Anglican Cursillo Australia!


As you know, we were unable to hold HK#3 in 2020 due to the virus. We now have a date for this year, it’s planned for June 11-14. We also have a backup date in case we’re still not clear of the virus and able to meet freely by then, and the backup dates are September 30-October 3.


I think I mentioned in my last email that our new Archbishop Andrew Chan has gladly agreed to be our sponsoring bishop for HK Cursillo. Matthias who you met, who was Dean of our Cathedral, is now our Bishop of HK Island Diocese, and he will attend HK#3 as a participant. I’m glad to report that we now have 3 established small groups meeting once a fortnight on Zoom, on Tuesday morning 8am, Tuesday lunchtime, and Thursday evening 8pm. Zoom has really helped us to establish these groups more firmly, because it’s so much easier for our small community, living in scattered parts of the territory, to meet online. I tell the Cursillistas that the small groups are the lifeblood of Cursillo.


We are working to spread Cursillo beyond the English-speaking parishes and into the much larger Chinese-speaking Anglican community. TK and I will make a short presentation to clergy and lay people from Hong Kong Island parishes on March 6th, and then on May 13th Fr Robert, Alison, Evelyn and I will make a more detailed presentation to the diocesan clergy. We hope that the spark you lit when you generously gifted Cursillo to us will grow into a brighter flame.


De colores!


Feb 2021 update on Hong Kong #3

(Will Newman)

Hong Kong #1

(October 2018)

In mid-October 2018, 3 of us from Tasmania joined the team of 13 from Australia and 2 locals to introduce Cursillo to the Anglican Church in Hong Kong.  Margaret, Jane and I were all blown away by the generosity of people: the Tasmanian Fourth Day Community before we left and the folk in Hong Kong once we arrived there. We had an amazing time and were very much aware of the Spirit's presence throughout. Everyone involved, both team and participants, felt incredibly blessed. The participants were especially moved by the number of people who didn't know them, but had still sent them notes of encouragement and assurance of prayers.


Please continue to pray for the Cursillistas of Hong Kong as they prepare to run Hong Kong 2 in October 2019. May the Lord use the Movement to bring great renewal and blessing to the Dioceses of Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui.

                                                                Ultreya!                               Shirley Tongue

© 2020 by Anglican Cursillo Tasmania.


This website was last updated on the 30th January 2025.    Web Coordinator: Shirley Tongue

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